Tremendous difference in quality and quantity with Philips LEDs


Cheshire, Connecticut

In response to the national legalization of hemp in 2018, Brant Smith, owner of Hydroclonix in Cheshire, Connecticut, pivoted his hydroponic lettuce operation to indoor hemp cultivation. In planning the transition to hemp, Smith, a big proponent of controlled environment agriculture (CEA), immediately recognized the need to upgrade the supplemental lighting in his operation.

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Since we purchased the Phillips toplights we have noticed a tremendous difference in the quality and quantity of our flowering plants
- Brant Smith, CEO

Customer Challenge

Knowing that supplemental lighting is an integral part in any successful CEA strategy, and after being confronted with problems that the LEDs initially installed at Hydroclonix, Smith began searching for an alternative lighting option. Hemp, like cannabis, is a light-intensive crop, meaning LEDs are key to providing the needed light in the most energy-efficient way.


The LED lighting solution

Signify representatives collaborated with the Hydroclonix team to design a custom light plan and strategy using Philips LED toplighting compact and GrowWise Control Systems. The plan was designed to deliver 18 hours of supplemental light during the vegetative stage and 12 hours during the flowering stage. Smith worked with Grow Rebates, a company specializing in utility rebate applications, and was able to obtain a sizable rebate from their Connecticut energy provider, Eversource, with their purchase of Philips LED grow lights in 2021.

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