Luma gen2

Luma gen2 – The standard in road lighting, redefined

Product family information


Luma gen2 is the next generation of the Luma LED luminaire family, fully optimized to become your long-term lighting and innovation partner. While keeping the distinctive design characteristics of the first generation, Luma gen2 gives you the benefits of the latest technologies thanks to its future-proof System Ready architecture, use of optimized Ledgine LED and optical platform ensuring best in class lighting performance in a broad range of applications. It also offers improved serviceability. Installation has also become easier and faster, and thanks to the Service tag, you have access to all relevant documentations onsite. Also, the cable feed-through has been redesigned and access to the gear components is easy thanks to top down tool-less access. Luma gen2 also offers all connectivity and dimming options available today and thanks to being System Ready, it can also to be paired with lighting management systems such as Interact City or existing and upcoming sensor innovations. The Luma gen2 has been developed to optimize and simplify spare part repair and maintenance work using a new plug & play GearFlex module containing all electrical components in an easy to handle and accessible box inside the housing. As a company conscious about the impact of light on the environment and biodiversity, we also equipped the Luma gen2 with dedicated light recipes that help with maintaining the optimal ecosystems for bats or preserve a dark night sky.


  • Ease of maintenance and spare part repair enabled through the dedicated GearFlex module

  • Best in class efficiency and light performance in a broad range of applications


  • Dedicated GearFlex module enabling faster, safer and tool-less maintenance

  • New cable feedthrough for easy installation


Motorways, inter-urban main roads, boulevards and avenues, roundabouts, pedestrian crossings, Residential streets, side streets, squares, parks, cycle and pedestrian paths, playgrounds, Parking areas, industrial areas, petrol stations, rail yards, airports, harbors, waterways