MASTERColour CDM-Tm Elite Mini

Perfect sparkle, mini design

Product family information


Mini, single-ended, very high-efficiency, long-life Ceramic Metal Halide discharge lamp producing crisp white sparkling light with high color rendering


  • High-intensity beam of crisp white sparkling light makes merchandise look irresistible

  • Lowest Total Cost of Ownership as a result of high efficacy (same light, less energy or same energy, more light) and long life


  • Crisp white sparkling light

  • Excellent color rendering, with extra red


Accent and display lighting in retail, General and decorative indoor lighting, Outdoor area lighting

Warning & Safety

  • Use only in totally enclosed luminaire, even during testing (IEC61167, IEC 62035, IEC60598)

  • The luminaire must be able to contain hot lamp parts if the lamp ruptures